IMG_1293 / December 2024

Action at the fence

The fence along Zwickauer Straße is more than just a boundary – it offers great potential as a communication surface and platform for artistic actions. With small, creative interventions, passers-by were invited this year to think about what they consider to be a curiosity and to bring along personal objects and the stories that go with them.

A specially designed showcase for curiosities made it possible to make these objects and stories visible. The instructions were very simple: find a curious object, bring it along, tell the story about it and visit the finished exhibition. Numerous objects, often with symbolic value, found their way into the showcase. The results were ceremoniously presented at the beginning of September at our “Garage öffne dich” (open day). Some exhibits can still be seen on the fence today – others were unfortunately stolen in a curious way.

The campaign initially attracted attention and aroused curiosity. Nevertheless, the typical Chemnitz behavior was to remain reserved, even if it was only to contribute a seemingly banal or worthless object. Those who did contribute something, on the other hand, were pleasantly surprised by the interest shown in their stories.

The colorful collection of objects and stories will continue to grow at the Garage Campus in the future – as a living expression of the neighborhood and its diverse stories.