IMG_8523 / December 2024

Garage Workout

Every Tuesday afternoon in June 2024, the Garage Campus was transformed into a meeting place for sport and exercises in the neighborhood. Together with the local clubs Universitätssportgemeinschaft Chemnitz e.V., IF Urban Sports e.V. and Ore Mountains Cornhole e.V., a varied sports program was launched – despite or in harmony with the construction site situation.

The program included four sports: Nordic walking, chess, obstacle course training and cornhole. Young and old took part in the activities every week. Many new visitors also found their way to the campus and often brought friends and family with them on their second or third visit.

The variety of activities, the intergenerational exchange and the opportunity to get to know new sports were rated particularly positively. Even bad weather didn’t stop participants from taking part regularly.

The Garage Workout has shown us: There is a need for regular, local and free/low-cost sports opportunities and leisure activities along Zwickauer Straße.

Through a joint evaluation with the participating clubs, valuable tips and suggestions for improvement were recorded and ideas for further, long-term cooperation were collected.

Diese Maßnahme wurde mitfinanziert mit Steuermitteln auf Grundlage des vom Sächsischen Landtag beschlossenen Haushaltes.