The museums already located here are united by the desire that the Garage Campus also contribute to the further development, modernization and safeguarding of these institutions, as well as to their embedding in the museum landscape on Zwickauer Strasse and throughout the city.
tram museum
The Tram Museum is an established institution on the site and will continue to play a central role in the concept of the campus. As a committed operator of the museum, the Straßenbahnfreunde Chemnitz e.V. would like to see a contemporary and attractive presentation of the exhibits on a partial area of the site in the future. The requirements of the association consist of a building or hall complex for the exhibition, as a workshop, storage area (standard gauge) and a meeting room for the association as well as a narrow gauge track section and a standard gauge connection for special trips in the outdoor area. With regard to the development of the entire intervention area, the members of the association are open to actively participate and to use their own museum in the context of partnerships, where possible, elsewhere. The association is also willing to display individual exhibits on the space outside of the actual museum. Last but not least, the association is also interested in becoming effective with the operational vehicles in the entire city area and the region.
In addition to the thematic focus on trams, the Straßenbahnfreunde Chemnitz e.V. also maintains a section with a focus on buses. This division is currently being developed and will be developed over the next two years as part of a funding project and is to become part of a combined bus and tram museum.
clock museum
The local clock club Uhrenverein Chemnitz e.V. currently operates the Chemnitz Technical Clock Museum in the former administration building of the tram depot. This building and the nearby dining hall were acquired by the operator of the clock museum several years ago and are not owned by CVAG. For the future development of the area, the clock museum is considered an important cornerstone and it was agreed to think about how parts of the exhibition can be better highlighted in the further course of planning. Thus, it is planned to exhibit clocks on the outer surface of the site or attached to different facades. In the interior of one of the halls, an expansive clock installation (“Timewall”) could also be mounted on one of the walls.