the Chemnitz Market place

The Chemnitz market place is a part of the building that will be used as a combined presentation and sales space for ideas and goods from the production of the Garage Campus. In addition, this marketplace will also serve for the sale of local and regional food (“the sustainable belly of Chemnitz”), (art) craft products and creations of other “garages” and manufactories. Especially small and micro suppliers shall be supported in selling here.

Special attention should be paid to the quality and originality of the products. The offer should also be attractive for visitors from outside and differ fundamentally from existing trade offers and souvenir stores. In the sense of sustainability and diversity, the marketplace will be supplemented by exchange, part and gift offers (givebox, free boutique). The building offers the possibility to expand into the open space on special occasions. Flea markets and special markets are imaginable, as are fresh food markets and weekly markets that rotate within the city and take place on the Garage Campus one day a week. Special formats such as an international street food festival, plant or even seed exchange markets are also imaginable. Due to the modular, flexible and movable basic concept of the open space, the Garage Campus can also be used as an extension, for example, of the trade fair offer of the city of Chemnitz.