
The Bricolage-Garage pursues the goal to promote resource-saving and resource-efficient production methods through re-cycling, up-cycling, repair culture, reinterpretation and improvisation, regardless of whether traditional or modern knowledge and tools are used. Things that are too good to throw away are to be put to further and new use here (for example, in a scrap welding workshop), things that can be repaired are to be preserved (for example, in a repair café), and new things are to be made possible by combining what already exists.

The Bricolage-Garage unites “screwdrivers” and artists and offers a diverse playground for design. It also brings together rare old and emerging professions, special skills with a strong connection to the region, and skills that are otherwise rarely accessible to the public. The workshops placed alongside the garages in the campus concept come closest to their conceptual meaning in the Bricolage Garage. It combines workshops of the craft tradition with workshops of a modern engineering, different materials, practices and skill techniques. The Bricolage-Garage is permanently open, freely accessible and organized on the principle of “everyone learns from everyone”. Regularly, the workshops are additionally used for special actions and educational offers, which are created in cooperation with various educational institutions in Chemnitz.