Sport garage

The Sport Garage pursues the goal of making physical movement understandable in all its facets and establishing movement offerings for all generations and groups of people on the Garage Campus – in the form of movement offerings (climbing wall, skate park) and creative upcycling/maker playgrounds in the outdoor area or by using various space offerings for sporting activities in the indoor area.

In the recent past, individual spaces have already been used for sports and movement offerings and workshops by groups and individuals (dance community, motion composer) and movement format providers (Pilates). The central hall of the Garage Campus is favored for use by the Longboard Community as a rehearsal space. In addition, the sports and movement festival “Atletika in the Garage” of the Chemnitz University Sports Association took place there.

Special design concepts for movement elements as well as the integration into the neighborhood environment and existing movement/play offers are considered in the development of the sports garage (e.g. colorful movement paths, art that moves, connection to the playground at the Kappelbach). Movement can also take place in digital form, for example with e-sport events, digital sports courses, game design or e-health formats.

The Garage of Movement offers private groups as well as sports clubs the opportunity to participate. Through the participation of the clubs in terms of content and personnel, completely new meeting points can be created on the Garage Campus for joint sports activities. The local University association for sports Universitätssportgemeinschaft Chemnitz e.V. is significantly involved in the development of the sports garage. As a kick-off event, workshops on “Creative Moves” and “Creative eMoves” were held, which contributed to the conceptual development of the sports garage. In this context, Prof Odenwald (TU Chemnitz sports equipment development) and Hans Georg Kellner (Atelier Kellner, international playground construction), as notable workshop speakers, provided stimulating input for dealing with the topic of movement on the Garage Campus. Ideas and also “prototypes” were created with the participants using design thinking methods. Contacts were exchanged between the participants and the desire was expressed to be able to implement ideas in a next, concrete project. Mr. Kellner from Atelier Kellner and Mrs. Rickowski from the local High School Andre Gymnasium are available for the construction of a temporary, art-enriched playground together with students of the High School.

For the workshop “Creative eMoves” Martin Müller (Vice President of the German eSport Association) and Hendrik Dittmann (VR-Atom – Virtual Reality Technik) two profound experts of eSport structures, eSport development and VR technology were the initiators. In this workshop, a complete supply list and a value concept for an exemplary, selected room in the garage campus of approx. 100sqm was created as a “prototype” for comparable, fallow rooms. First cost estimates for this are also available. The USG Chemnitz e.V. is entrusted with the further concretization.